Master of Computer Applications







Computer Applications

Two Year



ICET conducts the MCA two year full-time Programme. The Department of computer Applications started functioning in the year 2008 with an intake of  Sixty learners.MCA Department, right from its inception, has been maintaining a good track record in all areas of academics and non academics and preparing. It serves with the prime objectives of educating and preparing learners as dynamic professionals so that can compete in the present global situation.

  In addition to regular curriculum, the department conducts technical seminars, workshops and industrial visits to expose the learners to the real world environment. The placement cell of the department constantly organizes training programmes for learners in Communication Skills, Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, Group Discussion Skills etc. A good number of our final year learners and alumni are placed in reputed organizations like Wipro, IBS, Speridian and ClaySys through the campus recruitment drives. 

Besides the facilities of the central library, we have a department library that stocks a wide range of books, journals, magazines and other publications related to computer applications.

To be recognized as a department with quality excellence by empowering computer professionals with a strong sense of human values.

  • The department of computer applications strives to provide quality and competency based education through necessary infrastructure.
  • To impart professional learning environment through high quality academic instruction, innovation, industry institute interaction and career enhancements. 
  • To motivate the learners to work with passion to serve the society.
  • To develop the learners to excel in the area of research and development and entrepreneurship. 



Overall Results

  • MCA 2017 Batch -97.3%
  • MCA 2016 Batch-92.1%
  • MCA 2015 Batch- 100%


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